What is the
Injini Think Tank?

The Injini Think Tank delivers research and advisory support on all things African education innovation. We steer and house localised industry research through data-led publications, bespoke market research for EdTech entrepreneurs, open discussion platforms, community building strategic initiatives and engagement on education policy.

In addition to our own research, we work with partners who are interested in sponsoring research or receiving advisory services focused on African education innovation.

What we do

Explore Pedagogy 
& Technology
We identify emerging tools, platforms, and applications, locally and globally, to explore their potential to enhance teaching, learning, and educational accessibility in Africa.
Advise on Policy 
& Advocacy
We track and dissect education-related policies, analyse implementation strategies and advocate for evidence-based policy changes or considerations.
Analyse Business 
We research sustainable funding and market strategies for African EdTech solutions and education initiatives, to ensure long-term sustainability.

Our Reports

Transforming education in Africa with cutting-edge insights.

Gain valuable insights

For enquiries into our research and prospective research partnerships, email us.